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I was fortunate to be able to attend this event. Thirty one Master/Grand Master Instructors covering a wide variety of topics. Many people, associations, but one big Kenpo family. It goes to show you how many people recognize GM Tracy, and his contribution to the arts. We hope to meet more frequently, as the other Tracy Grand Masters (there are several) see the need to get moving, we ain't getting no younger!

Tracy Summer Camp

On August 2, 3, I was fortunate enough to be able to travel to the city Chicago to attend the Tracy Summer Camp. It was sponsored by Grandmaster Greg Mattson, Master Becky Monar. It was a camp for upper ranks, and covered older forms/sets that Grandmaster Tracy reintroduced in hopes of being presevered for the the future of the the Tracy system. The seminar also covered fighting drills, 6th Black material, among other aspects of our system. I was able to meet Grandmaster James Jones, well known in martial arts circles in that part of the country. GM Jones is known as "The Father of Karate in the Midwest. I also had the pleasure of meeting Master Jefferson Davis, a student of the late Joe Lewis, who took us through some fighting techniques. Though not largely attended, I was able to meet others of the organization in that part of the country, and get a different look at how they operate within our system. Of course, GM Al Tracy, Master Pat Tracy, and Master Mark Tracy were there to help with the seminar as well. It has also been announced that the next "Gathering of Eagles." will be held in Chicago in November 2015. This might end up being the last of the big "Gatherings" because so many of the older Masters are passing on. Clearly, it will be up to the "newer generation" of Grandmasters to keep this thing alive.

On another subject, the studio here has been open since February of this year. We've had many visitors/callers, and but only one taker. I am hopeful that the situation will improve before the year ends. It's important to me to keep this thing alive for the sake of the organization. In my 22 years with Tracy's, they have given me so much, and I feel that it's my job to give back, by teaching the Tracy System of Kenpo. Economically speaking, this is one of the worst spells for martial arts in this country. (According to GM Tracy) It's been said, that Black belts are nothing without students, and it's my wish to be able to spread this system, and help people grow. That is my reward as a teacher. Regardless of what other martial arts are out there, Kenpo does not take a back seat to no one. It is powerful, and can meet the needs, and expectations of it's practitioners. We are a non political entity which encourages expression of the individual. Come join us, you won't be disappointed. Respects to all.

New Student Promotion
We are proud to announce that Cory Kyle, who has been with us over six years tested, and received his Junior Black belt on May 29, 2012. He follows his brother Steven who became a Junior Black two years ago. We look forward to working with Cory as he advances toward the adult material.

The Gathering of Eagles 2011
August 6th, 7th, 8th was the date of this years gathering held at the Orleans Hotel of Las Vegas. Ths event brought many Kenpo groups together to share information, provide updates on material, and honor those selected for the International Hall of Fame awards.

Seminars were the order of the day, providing insight on such items as: Urban Survival, reviews over kata, explorations over techniques, the healing arts, and drills that can be utilized for class. Many notable individuals were in attendance, such as American Kenpo Master Bob White, Actor, and American Kenpoist Jeff Speakman. Tracy Kenpo Masters Ted Sumner, Tracy Master Roger Greene, long time ,and well known in the Kenpo Curcuit, Joe Rebelo, Tracy Kenpo Master Bart Vale, and a host of many other Tracy instructors.

We also had American kenpo instructors, and people from other related Kenpo organizations. By estimation, there over 900 participants for this event.

One event that should not have been missed, was the awards ceremony that was held Saturday night. It was truly a spectacle, and those receiving entrance into the Hall of Fame were too many to come up with an accurate count. Many others were also noted for their contributions, and some recognized posthumously.

As time goes on, Master Tracy may be unavailable to sponsor future gatherings. It will be the responsibility of those Seniors on the council, and governing board to carry on the tradition. This is one of the major ways Tracy people are brought together "to keep the flame going." If you've not attended a gathering, you should check it out. It's really an eye opener. It is unfortunate however, that no photos were taken for this event. I went without a camera.Congrtaulations to all those that were recognized, and honored at this event. The next one in two years may be held in Chicago, or California

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