- Techniques
- Katas
- Tracy's Kenpo

"Little Tiger"

Jesse putting the hurt to me !

Jesse Bucsit going through a four station break!

The "Four Station Break!"

Still Going!

This one is Craig (U.S. Navy) before he puts the hurt to me. His girlfriend, and student, Lizelle Bucsit stands ready to come in and get a piece of the action!

Jameson getting rid of his "Spring Break Issues !"

In Honor of Our Teachers

     Seattle Tournament, Circa 1982    Grandmaster Ed Parker, Pat Tracy, Grandmaster Al Tracy
    Photo generously provided by Pat Tracy. Thank You, Pat !

My second opportunity to work with Master Tracy
in the summer of 1999. Three days of work!

       Heavyweight Champion "Joe Lewis" I started out in a "Franchise Joe Lewis Karate Studio", later it became a
  Tracy System Studio.

                             My opportunity to meet Master Lewis in the summer
                          of 1988 at a seminar in my Taekwon-Do days. Tough, fast,
                                              and big !


      My new friend from London, Ontario, Canada !
          Dot Kelly, Stunning ,and Dangerous !

       Another one of our "close" Tracy friends, from Missouri,  Mr. Joel "Loux" Long
                  Rank, and affiliation, unknown, and by looking at him, he
                can be whatever rank he wants to be !  You ask him !!!

    My other Kenpo friend from  London Ontario, Canada
  "Gou Ronin"
      Renowned fighter, drinker, playboy

        Dennis Conatser, 7th Dan Founder of the IKKO
Special Note; At the Gathering of Eagles II in Las Vegas, Mr. Conatser was honored with the title of "Master", and was recently promoted to 7th Dan. Congratulations from us all !


This pic was sent to me by American Kenpoist Ron Sanchez (5th Dan) Far right.He is a part of Bob White's Kenpo Organization
These famous people were involved with a Youth
Conference in Philadelphia, PA


Mr. Dave Hopper, 4th Dan, from Shreveport,LA
One of The "Tracy" Seniors that's helping me !


Group photo from the AKSC Camp
October 5,6,7, 2001
I get to sit with some of the "Big Guns" of American Kenpo.
Photo courtesy of Dennis Conatser

Another one of our new Tracy Blackbelts from Georgia , promoted in  July , Kyle Clayton, Shodan

From the GOE II
Ft. row. Todd McElhenny, Katie Simons, Frank Mafnus
Back Row. Dick Willett, Dave Simmons, David Hays
Photo sent by Master Simmons

"A Blast from the Past" Long Beach Internationals
Circa 1984

Sent to me sometime back by another
Tracy Kenpoist,  David Hays


Michael "Hit Man" Seigel
from West Virginia

Affiliation: One of the Five Mafia Families of New York!

Master Tracy, Jim "Law & Order" Hanna, Bart Vale (Asleep at the wheel)
Mr. Hanna (6th Dan) is from Pennsylvania, and a Police Officer! Big Bart, from Florida.
I had the privilege of meeting Mr. Hanna at my testing, and Seminar back in 9/02.

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